Mind Power: Tap the Magnificent Power of Your Subconscious Mind!

I am sure those of you who have read self-help books, psychology books, and the probability of you encountering this mysterious word called “subconscious mind” are pretty high. So, you hope that the book that you are reading will provide you with a satisfactory explanation of what the subconscious mind is. Unfortunately, the book does not touch on the topic of the subconscious mind. Do not go sleepless over this question, as this amazing article will tell you what you really need to know about the subconscious mind. So, what in the world is the subconscious mind?

Another name for the subconscious mind is sleeping mind or the unconscious mind. Both names arise due to the fact that you have completely no awareness that your subconscious mind exists. Your subconscious mind is a very hardworking mind as it stores almost every single experience in your life. The information that it stores can either be helpful or destructive as the data in your subconscious mind ultimately forms the foundation of your belief system. The beliefs that you have will determine how you lead your life. Now that you have a brief understanding of what the subconscious mind is and the power of it, I shall tell you how to make full use of your subconscious mind.

  • Creative Visualization

Before you head off to your dreamland every night, spend 5 minutes everyday visualizing your goals and ambitions. Imagine yourself already achieving it and feel the emotions that you will feel when you achieve it. This simple and easy exercise is super effective in eliminating any negative emotions that hindered your path to obtaining your goals. The time before you head off to sleep is the perfect time to do this exercise as this is the time where your mind is most willing to accept new information. The next step to unlocking the potential of your subconscious mind is doing positive self-affirmations.

  • Positive Self-affirmations

Every single morning, repeat your life aims to yourself with an enthusiastic tone. You need to say it passionately as only this way that your brain will register what you say. The longer you practice doing positive affirmations, the more you believe in your goals and you already have reprogrammed your subconscious mind that you can achieve it.

  • Creating a Positive Environment

Choose a place where you regularly work. This could be your study room or your workplace. Then, put up positive and motivational posters. The more posters you put up , the fewer the negative thoughts you will think of and the faster your subconscious mind will internalize those positive beliefs. Your mind is an unbelievable thing; it will go on an autopilot to pick up those positive phrases in your posters. Soon, you will feel yourself easily energized in your workplace and get things down quickly. Do the above faithfully and I can assure you that you will see results very soon.


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Vuong Doan

Speaker, Mindset & Business Coach, Entrepreneur

Empowering you to ELEVATE your life and business to the next level!

I help entrepreneurs & executives form mental strength for peak performance…and not burn out.

Helping you to overcome your doubts, defeats, and depression. This way, you can reduce business-related anxiety, increase productivity, and live happier in your purpose. Go after your dreams and serve with meaning!

After over a decade of research and studying the patterns of the most successful individuals, I developed “The M.V.P. Formula”™ – which can help you achieve even more than you ever thought possible.


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