The Key To Perseverance

The Definition Of Perseverance: “Persisting in or remaining constant to a purpose, idea or task in spite of obstacles.” Notice it doesn’t start, “Wisely persisting…” Perseverance can clearly be both a good thing and a bad thing. Remember that when you find yourself wanting to quit something. Quitting might be the wisest choice.

Here Are three important aspects to consider:

  1. Self Awareness: Notice when you look for excuses, rather than truth, are you letting fear or laziness cause you to quit or procrastinate? If honestly watching yourself is difficult, explain your reasoning to a friend. Close friends may be more likely than you to know when you’re rationalizing. (Think about it from the other direction and you’ll see this can be true.)
  1. Costs and Benefits: To wisely persevere, you need to see the costs and benefits of what you are doing. If moving to Hollywood to become a star is going to cost you your business or family life, you have to see that clearly before you decide. An honest and good decision requires honest and good information.
  1. Motivation: Once you’ve made a decision, and you’re sure you made it for the right reasons, you have to motivate yourself. In fact, perseverance requires that you regularly re-motivate yourself. Write goals down, do daily affirmations, and whatever else you have to do.

Habit is the most powerful secret of success. Practice watching yourself to make self-awareness a habit. Practice analyzing costs and benefits objectively, and practice motivating yourself. By the way, there are many good motivation techniques, so if what you’re doing doesn’t work – go read up on them and try something else. That’s perseverance.


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Vuong Doan

Speaker, Mindset & Business Coach, Entrepreneur

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